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The best part of AirMiners Town Hall

October 26, 2023

The best part of Town Hall was when AirMiners shared their accomplishments and goals.

Here’s examples of what you all accomplished in the last 90 days:

As AirMiners we have big ambitions. Town Hall is a chance to see proof that those ambitions are being realized.

When you share what you're up to it gets everyone inspired for their own goals and accomplishments. We can do that again and again and again. That's what I mean by "help shape what's next for AirMiners". Every time you share you inspire others to set their own bar higher.

We are mapping the uncharted territory towards a billion tons removed by 2030.

Let’s all level up. What will be the accomplishments you share at the next Town Hall. I'm looking forward to it.


P.S. here is the recording on YouTube for a taste of what happens at Town Hall

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