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October 10, 2019
Right before launching the Kickstarter campaign, I said this bracelet is for starting conversations. And wow, what conversations we’ve started!
“I want my bracelet delivered to Europe on a cargo sailboat.”
“Can you help me create an eco friendly cosmetics line.”
“I’m writing about your Kickstarter as part of my entrepreneurship class.”
And my favorite: “A human emits around 1 kg of CO2 daily just by breathing. How does this help in any way?” (My answer: Yes, imagine if everything you bought was 200% carbon negative)
As of Thursday, 11:14AM,
the Negative campaign is at 238 backers, 219% of our goal. The conversation is happening on Facebook, on LinkedIn, and on the Carbon Removal Newsroom (
listen here).
These conversations take our industry to the next level so that when others launch their product/business/idea they can do it better.
PS: Share the campaign on Facebook and LinkedIn. It’ll be awesome to share this with your friends and start more conversations!