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Details announced for Elon Musk's $100M prize

February 09, 2021

XPRIZE just dropped details of Elon Musk's $100M prize. The details are gooooood, props to the XPRIZE team and Elon.

I wanted to quickly hit on 3 main points. I put this in a video as well.

1. Is this a big deal?

Yes, it is.

Yes, it's for carbon removal.

Yes, it's gigaton scale, aiming for 6 GT / year by 2030).

Yes, it's solution agnostic, R.I.P. "nature vs technology".

Yes, a lot of potential funders will be kicking themselves over not funding this one. Go Elon!

2. How do I get involved?

Read "Air Mining 101"

Boot up at the Carbon Removal Academy

Join AirMiners

3. What's next?

XPRIZE says more details coming April 22nd, Earth Day. In 18 months, 15 finalists will be selected and given $1M to go to the next stage. At the same time, 25 student groups will win $200k each for their own solution prototypes.

Props to the whole XPRIZE team on this one. Onwards to gigaton scale carbon removal!


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