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Deep Dive on Direct Air Capture

June 19, 2020

On May 13th, we launched the first AirMiners Conference. Two weeks later, we did it again, and two weeks after that, we did it again. We've been hosting AirMiners talks about twice a month and plan to keep it up.

This Wednesday, Dr. Jennifer Wilcox walked us through a deep dive on direct air capture technology, watch the talk on YouTube here. She covered sorbent technologies and where the room for improvement is, and some future scenarios for how things might play out, with a great discussion led by Kristin Ellis.

In case you missed it, 2 weeks ago we hosted a roundtable with the finalists from Stripe's $1M carbon removal purchase (watch on YouTube here). And you can watch the talks from Dr. Klaus Lackner, Dr. Lisa Dyson, and Kim Stanley Robinson here here. (An undergrad student just wrote yesterday to say it was helpful, so that means it's legit. Improvements welcomed.)

If you want to do your own deep dive, or you're not sure where to start, I helped write this Air Mining 101 Guide. It includes a reading list, newsletter and podcasts and a list of funders.

We've got more talks coming up including a panel of investors and a discussion with the Carbon180 Entrepreneur in Residence finalists. If you want to stay up to date on the next AirMiners talk you can sign up at conference.airminers.org

I'd love to hear what you're curious to learn about. We have the opportunity to connect to anybody in the industry. If there's someone that you think would be amazing to hear from, hit reply and tell me!


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