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ArchivesCarbon Champions Needed
September 19, 2019
We are running this Kickstarter campaign on zero budget and volunteer effort. The video is being made with love by a crew of professional videographers and actors/actresses. Even Kickstarter is getting behind it full steam with the launch of
Shapeshift, their new sustainable products initiative.
We’re all doing this because we believe carbon removal is something we can all contribute to.
Are you a Carbon Champion? We need people who will write 10 of their friends about our campaign when it launches. Let me know
today if you’re “in”. We’ll send you what you need to help spread the word. You’ll also get to see the video before everyone else!
T-minus 12 days to Kickstarter launch: 6:00 AM PST Tuesday, October 1st.
P.S. Casting call success! Props to Elena Chavez and her grandparents for bringing her to our Kickstarter film shoot. Here’s some behind the scene shots of Elena. And a 3min video of the
livestream in case you missed it.